Friday, September 21, 2012

The Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan is a teacher’s guide about the lessons to be tackled in the class.  It is very important to the entire teacher to provide lesson plan because through lesson plan you can have a direct instructions on what will be the content of topic you have to discuss on a specific time. Your lesson now will be orderly taken up to the class. And because of orderly lessons your students now will be able to cope up all the topics on your class.
                In making a lesson plan there are different components to be followed.  First is, you must have a specific objectives of the lessons to be discussed. Second is, there must be an appropriate motivation to capture the learners; interest and maintain throughout the lesson.  Third, There must also a development or outline of a lesson.  Varied methods, including drill, questions, and demonstrations, to design to keep the lesson on track.  Varied materials and media to supplement and clarify content.  And the last is, you must have a provision for an assignment or homework of your students.
                In making a lesson plan, you must be creative in order to induce your students to listen your discussion.  Through creative lessons your students now will not be bored and they will easily cope up or understand your lesson and they were also enjoying your lesson rather. 

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