Wednesday, October 17, 2012


François Marin

The Problem students in the movie are:
       Souleymane – the trouble maker student
       Esabelle – the most talkative student/class representative
       Luise - class representative
     Khoumba – disrespectful student, she never follow what    her instructor told her to do.

Methods of Teaching

     Mr. Marin an instructor of this students teaches his students to be respectful, he listen to all of his students and admire or encourage everyone to do all their assignments, projects and oral recitation. He makes report card of his students as the basis of their behavior in class.  He calls the attention of the parents of his students to evaluate then and to update the parents of what is the status of their child inside the school particularly in the class.  If a student can do bad things inside the class, Mr. Marin brought the students to disciplinary action committee.
How did Mr. Marin Manage or perform classroom management or manage the classroom is, Mr. Marin checks his students to not wear a cup while entering the classroom. He motivates his students to be ready and behave while starting the discussion or even entering the class because if they were talking they were wasting time.  He motivates also his students not only on his subject but also to be respectful to their instructor.  If there will be an activity, the students should participate and also he motivates his students to open so that they will know each other.

What will be your reaction if one of your students will say to you that he/she learned nothing?

                For me, I will be shocked about it and I will ask him/her why he/she can say that thing?  For how many days and months we are discussing inside the class why is it he/she never understands all things we have already tackled.
                Maybe the best thing I can do is to talk to him/her what might be his/her problem.  If I will be a teacher someday and one of my students will say that he/she learned nothing at all, maybe I will say to him/her that I don’t believe him/her.  Because every discussion, there was an evaluation or assessment like quizzes and exams.  And if the student would say that he/she cheated every time I conduct quizzes and exams I will fail him/her or else I will make time to make review for him/her for his/her good if he/she is willing to take review lessons.
                But for me I really bother that thing, because for me it is unbelievable.  Even slow learners understand or learned something even just for a little thing.  The students who confront Mr. Marin at the end of the school year that she learned nothing in all her subjects makes me struggle to understand her situation.  For how many days and months passes by, she never learned about all her lessons even in entering to school.
                As a teacher you can monitor your students if he/she if good or not in your class and you can motivate your students to study the lessons you have already tackled.  So, there are no possibilities that at the end of the school year one of your students will confront you that he/she learned nothing at all even in other subjects.  Maybe that particular student has a problem, that’s why she don’t understand her situation that makes struggle in her emotions.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Classroom Management and Classroom Management

Classroom Management is very important, because you cannot teach if you don’t know how to manage your students.  As a teacher you must have the ability on how to deal or manage your students in order for them to listen your topic you have discussed.  Because some of the students were very noisy, some of them may in and out of your class, some of them may sleep so you must have to manage your students participate on your class.   Classroom management includes operation and control of activities involving details as setting arrangement, attendance, and utilization of instructional materials, classroom courtesies and discipline foresight and planning learning becomes now interesting and enjoyable under favorable conditions.
There are 5 approaches to Classroom Management.
11.)    Assertive approach- this approach expects the teacher to specify rules of behavior and consequences for disobeying them.  The teacher here must motivate and orient rules and regulation inside his/her class.
22.)    Business-Academic Approach- a well-manage classroom that is free from disruptions, where student behave in an orderly manner and are involved enthusiastically in learning, exist where teachers have a clear idea of the type of classroom conditions, students behavior and instructional activities they wish to produce.
33.)    The behavior Modification Approach – this involves various techniques and methods that ranging from simple rewards to elaborate reinforcement training. In this approach the teacher here will make rewards to the student who participates well in the class and also gives reinforcement if they do badly inside the class.
44.)    Group Managerial Approach – this emphasized the importance of responding immediately to group pupil/student behavior that might be undesirable in order to prevent problems than having to deal with them after they come up.  The teacher here will manage the different group activities of the students if all of them participates the said activities.
55.)    Group-Guidance Approach – this is based on changing the overt behavior of the student on a group basis.

There are four characteristics of Classroom Management.

ü  The physical environment
ü  The intellectual climate
ü  The social climate
ü  The emotional climate

Classroom Discipline – refers to the order which is necessary in the classroom for pupils learning to occur effectively.  The most serious common types of disciplinary problems are cheating, stealing, and shouting destruction or school property, and defiance to school rules and regulation.  The causes of disciplinary problems are the teacher factor, the learner as a factor in discipline and the school environment as a factor in discipline. The question now is, how can classroom discipline improved?  In order to improved classroom discipline, the teacher must maintain better approaches how these behavioral problems can be minimized to a tolerable level.  So, the teacher should apply all the approaches to classroom management.

The Laboratory Method

Computer/Internet Laboratory

Science Laboratory
Laboratory Method was reported by Allan Bruces. It is synonymous with the experimental method in the sense that the individual do the experiments in the laboratory.

The term laboratory is the place where the students make an experiment or a place for experimental study where there was various experimental apparatus.  Through this laboratory the students now can apply in person the topics they have discussed just like computer laboratory, internet laboratory, and science laboratory.  Through this laboratories the students now develop their skills and apply what they have learn  Laboratory is very important, because learners can learn more in laboratory activities than discussing the subject matter in the class.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Demonstration Method

A teacher demonstrates to her students
When we say Demonstration method, it is a type of method which can be imitated or replicate.  Imitate, because the teacher now demonstrate to the learners a specific topic to be followed.  Like for example the teacher demonstrate on how to open a computer and then after the teacher demonstrate the learners now will imitate or apply what the teacher teach by them.  There are steps in Demonstration Method: The purposing which includes preparation, motivation, and clarifying objectives. Through purposing the students now aware about the importance of the topic to be demonstrate to them. Planning this consist of the object of the demonstration, the materials to be needed, the date, time, and place of the learning activity. Demonstration proper the preparation now of the said activity has done. Executing This is the stage of demonstration process which is carried out by the learners through repetition, duplication, or imitation shown by the demonstration teacher. Evaluation is the last step of demonstration method.  In this learning activity, evaluation is necessary enable to test the learners if they have catch up the lessons they have discussed.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Types of lessons

Based on objectives there are different types of lessons. (1.) developmental lesson,(2.)supervised study lesson,(3)  review lesson,(4.)drill lesson, (5.) appreciation lesson, and (6) application lesson.

In Developmental Lesson which is discussed already by Mr. Bongabong; it is a type of something to be learned in which a new idea is presented and developed either it could be a concept, a principle, a theory, a skill or generalization. And it contains 2 types of Developmental lesson which is the Formal and Informal.

When you say Formal it utilizes deductive and inductive methods.  And Informal uses the question and answer method or the conversational approach.  The steps in having Developmental Lesson are preparation, presentation and application.

In Supervised study lesson which is also reported by Mr. Bongabong, For me Supervised Study Lesson is a type of studying a lesson which is guided by a teacher.  A teacher here will give direction to the learners to study their lesson and the teacher here will supervise them and also motivate them why they should have to study their lesson in order for the learners to be interested on scanning their notes.

In Drill Lesson which is reported be Ruelene, it is intended for automatization of certain facts, information, habit, attitudes and skills to fix association for permanency of to perfect a certain degree a particular skill.  As what I have understand when you say Drill it is a way of applying what you have discussed or what you have understand on your subject matter or lesson.  Like for example in our subject in computer after the teacher discussed the lesson the students now will apply it from the computer or in a short term the students now will have their hand-on.

While in Application Letter.  It is a type of learning instruction that gives the learners the opportunity to relate, express and apply what they have learned.  Application Lesson are certain conditions or situation are created that will lead learners to express their thoughts construction or illustration of the concept, or language what they think or feel. There are different kinds or Application Letter. The story telling, Oral reading,Dramatization, Written Composition, Construction and Illustration, Singing, Creative work or composition and the Test.

Postscript - Some Random Thoughts on Demonstration

As what I have understood in the thoughts on Demonstration, we must do demonstration step by step “Do not hurry your Demonstration” in order for the students to understand the lesson you are demonstrating.  You must taught your students assuming that they are “zero” knowledge or “zero” skill so that all of them can relate your topic and can follow you what you were doing or what you wanted to deal to them even if they have any background on the specific lesson of not.  If you faster your demonstration you can finished many topics, but the question here now is, do your students catch up all the topics you have discussed?  Maybe just only a few learners can adopt your topics and sometimes your students got struggled about the subject matter you have been taught/tackled.  So enable to deal your students perfectly, you must also monitor them if they understand your lesson or if they followed what you are discussing.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Appreciation lesson

Appreciation lesson is designed to instruct the class to understand, appreciate and to enjoy something.  In this lesson the teacher now will think and plan what will be his/her techniques to induce students to listen and participate the subject matter they have discussed.  And this appreciation lesson can be caught from literature, music, arts, nature, religion, culture and environment.  Through this six sources of appreciation, the teacher now have an idea what will be his/her steps to captured the interest of their students.