Thursday, October 4, 2012

Types of lessons

Based on objectives there are different types of lessons. (1.) developmental lesson,(2.)supervised study lesson,(3)  review lesson,(4.)drill lesson, (5.) appreciation lesson, and (6) application lesson.

In Developmental Lesson which is discussed already by Mr. Bongabong; it is a type of something to be learned in which a new idea is presented and developed either it could be a concept, a principle, a theory, a skill or generalization. And it contains 2 types of Developmental lesson which is the Formal and Informal.

When you say Formal it utilizes deductive and inductive methods.  And Informal uses the question and answer method or the conversational approach.  The steps in having Developmental Lesson are preparation, presentation and application.

In Supervised study lesson which is also reported by Mr. Bongabong, For me Supervised Study Lesson is a type of studying a lesson which is guided by a teacher.  A teacher here will give direction to the learners to study their lesson and the teacher here will supervise them and also motivate them why they should have to study their lesson in order for the learners to be interested on scanning their notes.

In Drill Lesson which is reported be Ruelene, it is intended for automatization of certain facts, information, habit, attitudes and skills to fix association for permanency of to perfect a certain degree a particular skill.  As what I have understand when you say Drill it is a way of applying what you have discussed or what you have understand on your subject matter or lesson.  Like for example in our subject in computer after the teacher discussed the lesson the students now will apply it from the computer or in a short term the students now will have their hand-on.

While in Application Letter.  It is a type of learning instruction that gives the learners the opportunity to relate, express and apply what they have learned.  Application Lesson are certain conditions or situation are created that will lead learners to express their thoughts construction or illustration of the concept, or language what they think or feel. There are different kinds or Application Letter. The story telling, Oral reading,Dramatization, Written Composition, Construction and Illustration, Singing, Creative work or composition and the Test.

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