Wednesday, October 17, 2012


François Marin

The Problem students in the movie are:
       Souleymane – the trouble maker student
       Esabelle – the most talkative student/class representative
       Luise - class representative
     Khoumba – disrespectful student, she never follow what    her instructor told her to do.

Methods of Teaching

     Mr. Marin an instructor of this students teaches his students to be respectful, he listen to all of his students and admire or encourage everyone to do all their assignments, projects and oral recitation. He makes report card of his students as the basis of their behavior in class.  He calls the attention of the parents of his students to evaluate then and to update the parents of what is the status of their child inside the school particularly in the class.  If a student can do bad things inside the class, Mr. Marin brought the students to disciplinary action committee.
How did Mr. Marin Manage or perform classroom management or manage the classroom is, Mr. Marin checks his students to not wear a cup while entering the classroom. He motivates his students to be ready and behave while starting the discussion or even entering the class because if they were talking they were wasting time.  He motivates also his students not only on his subject but also to be respectful to their instructor.  If there will be an activity, the students should participate and also he motivates his students to open so that they will know each other.

What will be your reaction if one of your students will say to you that he/she learned nothing?

                For me, I will be shocked about it and I will ask him/her why he/she can say that thing?  For how many days and months we are discussing inside the class why is it he/she never understands all things we have already tackled.
                Maybe the best thing I can do is to talk to him/her what might be his/her problem.  If I will be a teacher someday and one of my students will say that he/she learned nothing at all, maybe I will say to him/her that I don’t believe him/her.  Because every discussion, there was an evaluation or assessment like quizzes and exams.  And if the student would say that he/she cheated every time I conduct quizzes and exams I will fail him/her or else I will make time to make review for him/her for his/her good if he/she is willing to take review lessons.
                But for me I really bother that thing, because for me it is unbelievable.  Even slow learners understand or learned something even just for a little thing.  The students who confront Mr. Marin at the end of the school year that she learned nothing in all her subjects makes me struggle to understand her situation.  For how many days and months passes by, she never learned about all her lessons even in entering to school.
                As a teacher you can monitor your students if he/she if good or not in your class and you can motivate your students to study the lessons you have already tackled.  So, there are no possibilities that at the end of the school year one of your students will confront you that he/she learned nothing at all even in other subjects.  Maybe that particular student has a problem, that’s why she don’t understand her situation that makes struggle in her emotions.


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