Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Demonstration Method

A teacher demonstrates to her students
When we say Demonstration method, it is a type of method which can be imitated or replicate.  Imitate, because the teacher now demonstrate to the learners a specific topic to be followed.  Like for example the teacher demonstrate on how to open a computer and then after the teacher demonstrate the learners now will imitate or apply what the teacher teach by them.  There are steps in Demonstration Method: The purposing which includes preparation, motivation, and clarifying objectives. Through purposing the students now aware about the importance of the topic to be demonstrate to them. Planning this consist of the object of the demonstration, the materials to be needed, the date, time, and place of the learning activity. Demonstration proper the preparation now of the said activity has done. Executing This is the stage of demonstration process which is carried out by the learners through repetition, duplication, or imitation shown by the demonstration teacher. Evaluation is the last step of demonstration method.  In this learning activity, evaluation is necessary enable to test the learners if they have catch up the lessons they have discussed.

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