Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Classroom Management and Classroom Management

Classroom Management is very important, because you cannot teach if you don’t know how to manage your students.  As a teacher you must have the ability on how to deal or manage your students in order for them to listen your topic you have discussed.  Because some of the students were very noisy, some of them may in and out of your class, some of them may sleep so you must have to manage your students participate on your class.   Classroom management includes operation and control of activities involving details as setting arrangement, attendance, and utilization of instructional materials, classroom courtesies and discipline foresight and planning learning becomes now interesting and enjoyable under favorable conditions.
There are 5 approaches to Classroom Management.
11.)    Assertive approach- this approach expects the teacher to specify rules of behavior and consequences for disobeying them.  The teacher here must motivate and orient rules and regulation inside his/her class.
22.)    Business-Academic Approach- a well-manage classroom that is free from disruptions, where student behave in an orderly manner and are involved enthusiastically in learning, exist where teachers have a clear idea of the type of classroom conditions, students behavior and instructional activities they wish to produce.
33.)    The behavior Modification Approach – this involves various techniques and methods that ranging from simple rewards to elaborate reinforcement training. In this approach the teacher here will make rewards to the student who participates well in the class and also gives reinforcement if they do badly inside the class.
44.)    Group Managerial Approach – this emphasized the importance of responding immediately to group pupil/student behavior that might be undesirable in order to prevent problems than having to deal with them after they come up.  The teacher here will manage the different group activities of the students if all of them participates the said activities.
55.)    Group-Guidance Approach – this is based on changing the overt behavior of the student on a group basis.

There are four characteristics of Classroom Management.

ü  The physical environment
ü  The intellectual climate
ü  The social climate
ü  The emotional climate

Classroom Discipline – refers to the order which is necessary in the classroom for pupils learning to occur effectively.  The most serious common types of disciplinary problems are cheating, stealing, and shouting destruction or school property, and defiance to school rules and regulation.  The causes of disciplinary problems are the teacher factor, the learner as a factor in discipline and the school environment as a factor in discipline. The question now is, how can classroom discipline improved?  In order to improved classroom discipline, the teacher must maintain better approaches how these behavioral problems can be minimized to a tolerable level.  So, the teacher should apply all the approaches to classroom management.

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