Friday, July 6, 2012

All of us considered as a teacher.

As what we have already discussed, all of us can be a teacher.  One of the best example is our Parents, especially our Mother but not in the sense of a profession.  Why?, because our mother is the first teacher to us.  She is the one who teaches us on how to speak, how to walk, how to handle a pencil specially on how to write and many more.

A mother teaches us not only on different things or a material things rather, but also in our behavioral aspect. Our mother is the first one who guides us to grow and learn many things in a right way.  She is also the one who motivates us as a good person.

We can say all of us can be a teacher not in the sense of a profession, because all of us has a knowledge of what is right and wrong.  And each of us learns in different ways and everyone can gain more knowledge to us in different ways.

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