Thursday, July 19, 2012

Behavioral Learning Theories.

According to Borich, there are three elements in learning.  The Environment, Performances, and Reinforcement.

For me, through environment we gain learning in our daily activities.  We can gain knowledge as we observe small things or experiences we encountered in everyday living.  When we say performances, we can identify whether it is good or bad through different feedback's from people so-rounding us.  It depends to a person if the feedback from his/her performances can encourage or discourage to him/her.  Through this you can have a guide on how will you improved your performance.  And the last is Reinforcement, you can learn also through reinforcement because you will be motivated to do something good because if you will not response or if you were rejected reinforcement it will proceed to punishment.

In Learning there are three Sequence of information processing by Slavin.

1.  Sensory registers which defines that it receives the big amount of information from the senses and holds it for a very short-term memory.  For me it is all about registering knowledge through our senses.  Through our different senses like the sense of seeing, sense of hearing, sense of touch, sense of smelling,.  We can gain information about something, through this senses we can we can easily stored a big amount of information but it only takes for a very short-time and it can be transferred into a short-term memory, because some information were rejected.  For example through sense of taste we already know if the food is sweet or sour.

2.  Short-term or Working Memory - holds the limited amount of information paid attention to, organizes it for storage or for discarding and connecting to other information.  Your information stored in memory were limited.  Not all the information you have learned were stored. Some information were lost or neglected.

3.  Long-term memory - Keeps information for lone period of time and integrated it through rehearsal, elaboration and organization with organization that is really known.  This is a type of information which is already know and was applied again and again that's why it takes too long in our memory.

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