Friday, July 6, 2012

Teacher has an important roles to the students.

     Being a teacher you must be a Manager.  You should have the ability to control and discipline his or her students.

     A teacher must be a Motivator.  A teacher encourages his or her students to participate in the class and encourage them to have a confidence on their self.

      A teacher must be a Leader.  You must have the power to control your students (learners). You must have the power of Authority and Self Confidence, so that the learner's must be confident and belief's that you can handle and guide them in a right way.

     A teacher must be a Model and a Surrogate Parent to his on her students.  A Surrogate Parent is a substitute Parent to them.  As what I have heard from my niece one time she said that on school her teacher is her mother and her mother is really her mother at home.  Why?, because a teacher is the one who molds a students to be a good person.  A teacher takes responsible to the students when they were entering at school specially inside the classroom.

    A teacher should be a Social Catalyst.  He or she must have a good governance and advocacy and he must be updated specially on the particular subject he tackled.

     A teacher must be a Facilitator or Instructor.  Now a days the ways of teaching is not in the sense of spoon feeding.  The students must have to participate on the class.

    And the last is, A teacher must be a Guidance Counselor.  If you will be a teacher you must treat your students fairly.  You must have the understanding on their feelings and emotions.  You must be friendly type that's ready to listen even on their personal problems.

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